The heat is on

TorrCoal is here to stay. Because we are supported by a financially strong investor. Because we are dedicated to cleantech developments. Because we believe in bio-carbon. Because the world needs eco-friendly alternatives to energize industries. Because we make torrefaction available for use on an industrial scale. Because we make bio-carbon solutions available to everyone. The dream is done, the heat is on.

Applications of TorrCoal technology

TorrCoal technology makes bio-carbon solutions available to everyone. To entrepreneurs who believe in input of bio-residuals in industrial processes. Who operate installations for steel, cement, asphalt production or petrochemicals. Who want to use bio-carbon for new installations or integrate torrefaction in existing settings. TorrCoal technology provides the green answer.

Best available technology

With TorrCoal technology you can utilise normally unsuitable rest streams as a renewable heat source, raw material or additive. Our technology delivers a constant bio-carbon stream to your fossil coal-based installation. Everywhere where bio-residuals are sufficiently available. That is what we offer: licensing the best available torrefaction process technology, engineering expertise, market know-how and first-hand user experience.

Strategic partners

Strategic partners

In the field of applying bio-carbon within the steel industry,we have a cooperation/license agreement with Arcelor-Mittal. We replace fossil carbon in their blast furnaces. And in the field of applying bio-carbon as a raw material for the production of syngas, we have a cooperation/license agreement with Torrgas.

Sharing torrefaction knowledge

Sharing knowledge

TorrCoal is working together with research institutes in the Netherlands (TNO, University of Twente), Belgium (UHasselt, VITO, Adinex) and Germany (DBFZ, RWTH). Furthermore TorrCoal is involved in some subsidized research projects: TKI BBE Invent 1 & 2 Projects (Topconsortium for Kennis & Innovatie BioBased Economy) / Torero Project (TORrefying wood with Ethanol as a Renewable Output) / Music Project (Market Uptake Support for Intermediate bioenergy Carriers) / BM2C6 project (Chemelot InSciTe, creating an unprecedented value chain starting from biomass to chemical intermediates).

Dutch Thermochemical Cluster (DTC)
International Biomass Torrefaction Council (IBTC)

The BM2C6 project: a bright example of sharing our knowledge

In this video our Director Randolph Hagenbeek explains the role of TorrCoal in the BM2C6 project at Chemelot InSciTe. Together with this team, we aim to create an unprecedented value chain starting from biomass to chemical intermediates. All process steps are being demonstrated on pilot scale in the InSciTe pilotplant at the Brightlands Chemelot Campus. This project shows ecologic and economic benefits: ample opportunities for industrial partners to engage in a sustainable chemical industry.


We believe in the power of bio-carbon solutions. A clean and consistent way to charge your industrial installations. What if you could produce your own renewable carbon stream? What if you could use this as a cleaner carbon source in your existing fossil coal-based installations? Now you can. With TorrCoal.

Proven technology

TorrCoal has been developing its torrefaction technology since 2005, initially focusing on wood and solid recovered fuel. From this point onwards TorrCoal technology has constantly been improved and optimised in terms of efficiency, consistency, reliability as well as environmental footprint. To date, TorrCoal is one of the few companies in the world who has mastered a consistent high-quality bio-residual torrefaction process on a commercial scale.

a Perpetual Next Company

TorrCoal is from 1-1-2023 a Perpetual Next Company. After having invested for a period of 15 years into the development of torrefaction technology to convert waste streams into bio-carbon, we decided to integrate TorrCoal into a new parent. We consider Perpetual Next as the perfect match to scale up torrefaction as one of the few short-term solutions to reduce CO2-emissions. The future is Perpetual.

See for yourself

TorrCoal was one of the first to embrace torrefaction and we never let go. We examined and investigated. We gained a lot of knowledge. Knowledge that we want to share with you. That is why we designed and built our own plant. One of the largest operational torrefaction factories in the world. Do you want to reduce CO2 emissions and keep your fossil coal-based assets running at the same time? Don’t know how? Visit our plant and we will show you how.


Technical paper
Torrefaction of low value biomass containing residual flows
Scientific paper
Biomass torrefaction on industrial scale
Technical paper
Reuse of contaminated washing water from torrefied product desalination process

Contact us

Lode Smeets

(EPC- Director Rotary Equipment & Process )

Our Project Realizer
Koen Cardinaels

(Plant Manager)

Our Hands On Organizer